Monday, July 31, 2006

Flickr pics up and running

Cape Town city bowl, originally uploaded by InsideSouthAfrica.

I've just created a Flickr account. It's purpose will be to support the image side of this blog, as well as providing an outlet for my creative side. This is the first picture from that account to be blogged. It was taken during a visit to Cape Town earlier this month.

The picture captures a view of the Cape Town city bowl as seen from the lower station of the Table Mountain Cable Way. It was taken mid-morning and a light mist is moving through the city. Beyond the city you can see some of the Cape Town harbour breakwalls.

An exploration drilling platform was anchored in the harbour for maintenance (the tower-like shape at the left-back of the city bowl). The V&A Waterfront is located along the basin to the left of the drilling tower.

Beyond the harbour you can see Table Bay. The shoreline on the far side is home, to amongst others, Bloubergstrand. The latter is Afrikaans for 'Blue Mountain Beach', referring to the stunning views of Table Mountain to be had from there. Robben Island lies just out of picture on the left, a 30-minute boat cruise from the harbour.

This image provides but a small sample of what makes Cape Town so special.

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